Heart of an adventurer, head of an entrepreneur, souls of an artist. Story Telling is Charlie Grosso’s natural talent, for Brands, NGOs and individual clients. Leveraging first hand global insights doing work that matters. Let her be your narrator.

Art Gallery Director

I make art. Some of the coolest people I know make incredible art. In the sweltering summer of 2010, co-founding a contemporary art gallery to showcase emerging artists doing work that is about this moment in the zeitgeist made sense to us.

Baang + Burne is a gallery for the new elites, for the hackers, builders, tinkers and makers. Click here and I will invite you to our next pop-up show. 

Baang + Burne presents, Harpoon: Insular and Universal, a two city show by artist Joshua King.

Dominic Sanson is very concerned with US foreign policy and the use of drones. He is one of the most provocative artist on our roster. 

Sophia Wallace talks about her latest installation work, CLITERACY: 100 Natural Laws. Cliteracy is a new way to talk about citizenship, sexuality, bodies, democracy and more. 

Painter, reformed street artist, Chris Jehly talks about his recent work and his process. "Boys Dont' Cry" Oct 2012

Maria Yoon, performance artist, marries 50 times in 50 states, challenging the convention of marriage.